2011 BMW Concept C Pictures

The new product from the BMW is this motor of scooter that is designed based on the concept of evening walking. This motor is very suitable for taking a walk in the busy city. The motor is very suitable for girl who likes going by cute motor like this one. This motor is created with modern body. The differing characteristics of this concept will appeal to a broad target group. In addition, some thought is being given to a future alternative drive with electric motor. This motor has colorful tires that make this motor looks so cute and beautiful. This new product segment will first give rise to two innovative premium scooters with internal combustion engines. This motor can run so smoothly and this motor is very comfortable to ride for girls. This motor is not too big and high so that it is very appropriated with girl’s body. The price of this motor is very cheap. It is very affordable for all the girls. For the price information, you can visit near dealer.

2011 BMW Concept C - Technical Specification and Pictures | Motorstyle modifications
Reviewed by Dening Nyess